Ponytail Winter Diaries

Utstilling DTK prosjektgalleri | 16. – 26. januar 2025

Beata Daria Kubecka, Hello the Mushroom, Margarida Paiva, Mari Sagrusten og Lilja Sighvatsdottir

Kurator: Rus Mesic

With works in different media and techniques, in Ponytail Winter Diaries, five artists recreate a place by investing a space with memory. It should be seen as a response to the alienating effect of images in the contemporary world. At its core, the artists highlight differences: divergent impulses, individual directions, and contrasting forms. It questions the possibilities of visual language and what its limits and boundaries are.


Artist Statements

Beata Daria Kubecka 

Beata Daria Kubecka born 1982 in Elbląg, Poland. She lives and works in Norway since 2006, currently residing in Bærum. Holds an MA in the Faculty of Active Recreation, University of Sports, Wrocław, Poland. Graduated from Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitut (DTK) in 2023. Currently a BA2 student in Medium and Material based arts -Tekstil at Kunsthøgskole in Oslo. 

My words are in the objects I’m making. That’s my speech. That’s my language. A defense against disappearance. Thoughts and images grow at slow pace and carry memories, carry imprints of my body. They all will return to earth, just like me. So will the forms of my creation..

Beata Daria 
Bożena´s daughter 
Jadwiga´s grand daughter

Link: instagram

Hello the Mushroom

Hello the Mushroom is a multidisciplinary urban artist from Lisbon, currently based in Oslo, by way of London. Their work can be found on the streets and in galleries in cities all over the . They are also currently a guest teacher at DTK.
The work features mostly a personal exploration of subjects such as life, death, and cultural expectations towards women, often in a humorous way.
In this exhibition: Pockets – Some say the absence of pockets in women’s clothing is a way of keeping them powerless. What if we all had to go back to living in a pocketless world?
I Clap When the Plane Lands and Flying High – The joy of arriving safely at one’s destination. No clapping was involved in the making of these pieces.

Link: instagram

Margarida Paiva

Margarida Paiva (født i 1975) er en billedkunstner opprinnelig fra Portugal, bosatt i Oslo. Hun jobber med film, fotografi og installasjon. I 2007 fullførte hun en mastergrad ved Kunstakademiet i Oslo, og har tidligere studert ved Fakultet for Visuell Kunst ved Universitetet i Porto.
Fotoprosjektet “The Maiden and The Witch” er et samarbeid mellom Oslo-baserte kunstneren Margarida Paiva og London-baserte kunstneren Anaïs Lalange. Prosjektet utforsker maskens rolle i myter og folklore, der masker tradisjonelt representerer guddommer, ånder og naturkrefter. I dagens kontekst har masken fått en ny dimensjon som et symbol på aktivisme, som forsterker vår forbindelse til miljøet og kulturelle fortellinger.

Link: instagram

Mari Sagrusten

To drømmeskapninger krøp inn i ørene mine en natt for lenge siden.
Der inne krøllet de seg sammen og sovnet. De sov så dypt at de ikke ble vekket av lys, og ble der inne for alltid. Den ene er en absurd drøm som bærer meg på ryggen gjennom natten. Den andre er en magisk orm, som snoker i drømmene mine etter svar på det absurde.

Link: instagram

Lilja Sighvatsdottir

Lilja Sighvatsdottir is an Icelandic artist based in Asker, Norway. She has a diverse educational background, including Technical Drawing and Design from the Technical College of Reykjavik, as well as further studies at Oslo Foto Kunstskole and DTK Kunstfagskole in Bærum. She is currently pursuing further education at OsloMet in Art and Design. Her work spans various media, with a primary focus on drawing, installation, and photography.

In these blurred moments, reality fades into a dream, where faces and shapes become whispers of memory.
The soft focus invites a deeper connection, where what is felt lingers beyond what is seen.

Link: instagram

Kart og Prisliste

Beata Daria Kubecka
5. Wood, polyethylen, foam, bivoks, oil pastel
Pris: 4000,-
6. Wood, polyethylen, foam, bivoks, oil pastel
Pris: 6000,- (sammen)
7. Installasjon, pvc, papir, tekstil, akryl
Privat eie
8. Fotografi, A4, 30×40 cm
Pris: 2800,- pr. stk / 15000,- for serien
10. Installasjon, papir, gull blad, teppe
Pris: 9000,- uten rødt teppe

Hello the Mushroom
14. Flying High Tekstil 34×62 cm
Pris: 3500,-
15. Pockets Tekstil installasjon
Pris: 3000,-
17. I Clap When the Plane Lands Tekstil, 175×200 cm
Pris: P.E.A.

Margarida Paiva
12.-13. The Witch Foto, Fine Art pigment print på Hahnemühle PhotoRag 308g, 110×80/80×110 cm
Pris: 8000,- pr. stk
11.,16. The Maiden Foto, Fine Art pigment print på Hahnemühle PhotoRag 308g, 60×80 cm
Pris: 6000,- pr. stk

Mari Sagrusten
1., 3. Tegninger A4, papir, tusj
Pris1000,- pr. stk.
2. Tegning på lerret, tusj og akrylmaling 100x200cm
Pris 10.000, –
18. Uten tittel Tegning, papir, tusj
19. Im trying to get back on the horse Tegning, papir, tusj
Privat eie
20. Tegninger A3, papir tusj
Pris 1500,- pr.stk
21. Tegning, papir, tusj
Privat eie
22. Skog Tegning, papir, tusj.
Privat eie

Lilja Sighvatsdottir
9., 4. Fotografi, Fine Art pigment print på Hahnemühle PhotoRag 308g, cm 60X80 cm
Pris: 6000,- pr. stk

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